Oct 21, 2022
Deirdra Murphy and Karin Sadtler
Accessory Dwelling Unit Program
On Friday, October 21 we have some great speakers lined up! Karin Sadtler and Deirdra Murphy are co-chairs of the Age Friendly Communities of the Lower Kennebec organization. They are working with the The City of Bath after a new Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) ordinance was passed in March 2022. ADU's can generate rental income to help an older homeowner pay for taxes and repairs; or create an
apartment easier to live in. Now an ADU guidebook is available to help an interested homeowner plan for such an addition to their home. Join us as Deirdra and Karin share more information about this unique program. If you can't join us in person but would like more informaiton, please email agefriendlylowerkennebec@gmail.com or find a digital copy of the guidebook at www.agefriendlylowerkennebec.org.
The ADU guide outlines reasons to build an ADU, the new ordinance, sample floor plans and a worksheet to assess if it makes financial sense for you.